Samantha Sutherland Life Empowerment Mentor using Numerology & EFT

Know Your Self Numerology Programme

Once you know your life path, destiny and how you operate you'll be empowered to own your true Queen energy


Who is the Know Your Self Numerology Programme for?

This know yourself numerology program has been designed with you in mind. It’s a simple and quick process that does not reflect the complexity and depth of self knowledge gained.

When you know yourself you’re able to understand and work towards stopping your negative thoughts and self talk. You will understand why you respond to situations the way do.

The knowledge gleaned from this process will be empowering, enlightening and affirming.

This personal discovery programme is for the woman who recognises a deeper understanding of themselves is required to really go after their dreams and accept themselves for who they are and what they are capable of.

Don’t spend another month or year trying to figure out who you are.  Allow the wisdom of numerology to show you who you are and what the universe has know all along … you are the Queen who chooses the life, loves and riches she wants.

What is included in the Know Your Self Numerology programme?

Your Voyage of Self Discovery and Alignment

During your 90 minute session you will:

What will I Gain from the Know Your Self Numerology Programme?

Numerology is an amazing tool and it is important to remember just that, it’s a tool.

The magic of Numerology exists in it’s ability to reveal to you your true self; your original pure potential and possibility without any of the trauma, experiences, and grind of life.  

This programme won’t create or fix you, it will release you. When you are able to connect with who you truly are it is so much easier to say yes to opportunities and follow your heart’s desire.

This Know your Self programme will enable you to confidently embrace who you are. You will be able to recognise and enjoy being in flow and able to realign yourself when you aren’t. You will gain confidence in your gifts and talents and trust in your life decisions.  You’ll open the door to self love and acceptance.

The guidance shared can identify and provide clarity around areas of self sabotage and limiting beliefs. This isn’t bad news, it actionable and solvable with Energy Healing.

1 reading + 18 numbers + 90 minutes = Knowing your True Self

...Wow, what a revelation! It just helped me make so much sense of myself. My main numbers were so spot on, but there was something always fighting against me and how I wanted to do things and my hidden / secret number that is only a small part of me was what was causing that conflict...

If you love the sound of this but to go deeper and know how it all impacts your next 12 months and your potential you should check out the Know Your Potential Programme

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