Samantha Sutherland Life Empowerment Mentor using Numerology & EFT

Personal Numerology Reading

Who is a Personal Numerology Reading for?

If you have ever found yourself wondering if you’re really living your best life, why you’re feeling unfulfilled or just feel frustrated with aspects of yourself and life, then this Numerology reading may help you understand why.  

This simple and informative reading is perfect whether you are just curious as to what Numerology can tell you, or you’re ready dip your toe in and start working with, rather than against yourself.

Once you know your core numbers you will no longer deny your skills and talents. You will realise you can be confident in who you are, or at least where you are aiming to get.

Samantha Sutherland | Numerologist | Energy Healer
Samantha Sutherland | Numerologist | Energy Healer | Calculate Your Life Path Number

What information is included in my Personal Numerology Reading?

The purpose of this reading is to unveil your Core Numbers so you can start to see who you are and who you have always been. You will discover your:

What will I Gain from my Personal Numerology Reading?

When you work with your natural gifts, and follow the life path you are here to experience, life flows easier.  

You’ll likely feel confident, shine brighter and achieve more. 

You’ll have clarity on your alignment with your true self and be able to confidently course correct if needed.

With this reading the resistance and struggle you’ve been feeling can begin to make sense and this knowledge empowers you to make the necessary shifts to really get the most out of life.

Many have described this personal reading as affirming, empowering & enlightening

The question really is what isn’t there to gain from this reading?

If you love the idea of this reading but would prefer to have a personal consultation to discuss it in detail and gain insight into a further 11 numbers, check out the Know Your Self Programme.